Help! The IRS Sent Me an LT38 Notice. What Do I Do Now?
June 6, 2024

When you receive an LT38 notice from the IRS, it’s far from just another piece of mail cluttering your inbox. Consider it a wake-up call, signaling that your tax affairs demand immediate attention.

With the IRS revving up its operations post-pandemic, the state of your finances hangs in the balance. Now is not the time to delay; each passing day compounds your tax debt, turning a serious matter into a financial burden that grows heavier with time.


The Time to Act is Now

Procrastination won’t do you any favors here. Take a proactive approach by thoroughly examining the LT38 notice’s contents. Understand the implications of the outstanding balance it outlines and why the IRS is reaching out. Ignoring the issue won’t make it vanish – in fact, it could worsen the situation.

If you’ve been putting off filing overdue tax returns, consider the LT38 letter your final warning. The longer you postpone action, the deeper the financial hole you’re digging. It’s time to take control before matters spiral further out of hand.


Exploring Payment Options

While settling for less than the full amount owed may seem ideal, it’s not always feasible for everyone. However, delaying payment only leads to accumulating more interest and penalties. It’s crucial to address your tax obligations promptly, even if immediate full payment isn’t possible.

Financial hardship is a valid concern, and the IRS does offer options for those facing difficulties. Payment plans and debt settlement arrangements can be invaluable tools in easing your tax burden.


Seeking Professional Assistance

Feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of your tax situation? Don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Experts like Jeff Lichtenberger and William Sharpe at Total IRS Relief are equipped with the knowledge and dedication needed to navigate your tax issues efficiently and effectively.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – take action now to secure your financial future. Contact Total IRS Relief today and let us guide you toward resolution.